Which is
the best for making an e-commerce website, Django or Laravel?
Despite the growing popularity and relevance of mobile
application development, web development technologies have evolved no less
rapidly. The popularity of JavaScript, as the only tool for manipulating data
and objects in a web document, has brought much to the field of web
development, especially with the advent of new concepts: Progressive Web
Applications, Accelerated Mobile Pages and Single Page Applications. However,
this development has not become easier, it requires specific skills and
knowledge, especially from beginners.
A lot of technologies and capabilities, but the lack of a
single solution for any situation, made it difficult and complicated the choice
of a suitable stack for the developer. Therefore, we will try to shed light on
these problems and consider two tools: Django and Laravel, which are one of the
most popular frameworks for the server-side of the network.
The concept of a framework is an abstract term that embodies
the concept of distracting from non-essential and unimportant aspects of a
program and focusing on the most significant of them. We use the concept of
abstraction not only in the field of software engineering but also in our daily
At first glance, it might seem that the Laravel code looks
more intuitive. Django's code looks more complicated due to the use of regular
expressions, which are not so easy to understand, especially for beginners.
Django has a very rich and responsive community like Laravel,
so you are likely to get an answer very quickly for any question. The same can
be said about libraries and all sorts of additional tools for them. Basically,
they are all open source and on GitHub, you can find a plugin or package or
library for every taste and for any task. Both have convenient dependency
installers that simplify their search and installation.
For example, in Django, you can put a dependency with a
single command from a file with a list of dependencies, or individually. While
PHP makes use of composers.
Some websites and web application purposes may require the
use of a particular PHP system. Web developers now have much more choice in
choosing frameworks to suit their needs. Modern frameworks should be flexible
and adaptable to new needs that arise daily. That is why flexibility forced
Laravel to take first place.
Another benefits of this framework is Object-Relational
Mapping (ORM) capabilities. This technology allows web developers to produce
database connections in a much easier way. In addition, Laravel makes it easier
to use libraries and models because it contains object-oriented libraries
supported by auto completing mode.
This system is also known for its perfect interface of
command-line. It also provides a set of advanced tools for convenient collection,
transfer of databases and supports the Model View Controller (MVC) and provides
easy verification of routing and management of authentication and caching
sessions, as well as device testing.
Laravel supports exceptions and very thorough and detailed
stack trace functions that are not available on other platforms. Clearing the
cache within the system is best in class. The system also handles events
interlacing very well.
Laravel is not as easy to learn as Django, but the
availability of tools like Lara casts and good documentation will help you spend
a minimum of time on development. The good news is that
Laravel comes with
built-in support for building APIs. All responses are returned in JSON format
by default. While on the other hand, Django does not have this out of the box
and requires the installation of additional libraries to build a restful API.
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